Godzilla extended trailer

After the marvel that Gareth Edwards produced with Monsters on a low budget, I’m really excited to see what he can do with Warner Bros backing him and the biggest monster of all at his disposal. On top of that, there are a lot of people out there who would pay to simply see Bryan Cranston open a paper bag, and the city-stomping lizard will always draw a crowd, so expect this one to do well at the Box Office.

Take a look at the extended trailer below and let me know what you think in the comments.

Godzilla is out in cinemas on 16 May in the UK.

Hercules teaser trailer

As someone who spent his early teen years idolising The Rock and mimicking his catchphrases and wrestling moves on the playground, I am a big fan of Dwayne Johnson. He may not be the greatest actor in the world but he is far from the worst, and a much more entertaining action star than most doing the rounds in Hollywood these days. I heard about Johnson and Brett Ratner’s upcoming Hercules movie a while back, so it’s nice to see a trailer surfacing for the mythical epic.

Hercules is set after the ‘twelve labours’ have already taken place, but you can see from the teaser that there will be flashbacks highlighting at least some of the events. It would be a waste to have a demi-god and not show him fighting a few mythical beasties!

It looks to me that the tone may draw from 300 in places, with slow motion swordplay featuring quite heavily for barely a minute and a half of footage. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though. I’m going to hold off forming an opinion for now until we have seen a bit more, but as it stands I think Hercules has the potential to be a very entertaining film, and Johnson definitely looks the part! Take a look at the trailer and let me know what you think.

Hercules is set to be released on 25 July in the UK.

Transformers: Age of Extinction trailer released

The first full trailer has been released for the newest Michael Bay Transformers film. I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of the Shia LaBeouf trilogy that Bay has released so far, and I can’t quite tell if the latest instalment is a continuation of that story or a new beginning, but the casting of Mark Wahlberg in the lead role is a giant step in the right direction. The robots themselves don’t appear to have changed much, but they seem to be sporting more vivid paint jobs, which may help me distinguish who is who in the hectic fight scenes. Take a look at the trailer below and let me know what you think in the comments.

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